In this picture above low key lighting is used because the scene is darker and shows shadow if high key lighting where used the scene would be brighter and with less shadows.Soft light is also being used because the light that is shining on them is being filtered through the window so they arent being hit by direct light.Then front lighting is being used beacause the front of them is lit up to show there facial feutures.All this tells me that this scene is some what serious and dramtic because low key lighting and soft light like is often used in drama shows.
The extreme long/wide shot is the largest shot size there is,this shot type is used to give more of a impressions instead highlighting specific features such a facial feautures.Wide shots are take from very far away so the people look smaller and the face cannot be seen
This shot size is the second smallest shot size after the extreme close up, the close up isnt used to show more intensity like the extreme close up it is used to show the feauters of the face better.The close up is a picture taken that is from around the the top of the shoulders up.